I am angry... yeah, pretty much alla time.
(At least whenever I think of the crap heap
homo sapiens sapiens is making of this nice, pretty blue planet we live on.) RAAAAAHR!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Proverb for the day

Truly I say unto you: To each heart, Truth speaks with a different voice. And the Light which illuminates our paths marks a different Way for each pair of seeking feet. Therefore, do not seek to bend another's footsteps to the path which has been set aside for you, nor raise the voice of your Truth in a shout so loud that they may not hear their own subtle Voice. Instead, my friends, encourage them on their Journey, for a soul that has found its own Light will stand illuminated for all to see, and will fill up the Darkness wherever that Light shines forth.

Caveat emptor, fiat lux, and may the force be with you.

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