I am angry... yeah, pretty much alla time.
(At least whenever I think of the crap heap
homo sapiens sapiens is making of this nice, pretty blue planet we live on.) RAAAAAHR!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

In Progress

This theosophical debate is joined in progress...

Sappho: So, Bob, what's the chance this Blog will be up and running within the week

Bo'baa Natarii, Emperor of the Twelfth Kingdom: Look, bitch, my name is NOT BOB! And... as for this Blog... I shall have to consult my Oracles. I shall return hence in three days time with your answer, puny poet witch!

Sappho: Bob hates it when I disrespect his tiny kingdom. Poor Bob. Anyway, back to you Katie. See if you can't send me some ChronoShots of this Obama character I've been hearing so much about.

TimeTraveling Reporter
Sappho the Magnificent
Signing off for Tonight
- somewhere on the Road to Babylon

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