DJ Xero's RantSpace

I am angry... yeah, pretty much alla time.
(At least whenever I think of the crap heap
homo sapiens sapiens is making of this nice, pretty blue planet we live on.) RAAAAAHR!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I wonder who I am these days?

When I post things to the Wwweb, I do it not with the expectation that something will be read, but rather as a zen exercise in simplicity and letting go. It may be that it is never read. Like sending one's words into a dark forest, and wondering if the dryads dark dreams are disturbed by your aging thoughts, by your misty demeanor?

Once I tried to make sense. It was complicated, and required much study of architecture and engineering. After that I simply flowed where the wind would blow me, a nomad of ill repute, famed of old and friend of the Horse Gods.
For where can I be except where I am? How may I pursue my dreams when I cannot sleep any longer? May I hear the Voice of God without being called mad, I wonder? Or has the possibility for miracles diminished past the point of no return, dwindling down into an infinity of smallness?

Today I am a small blue thing. I go to Tom's Diner to eat, and find some strange chick staring at me through the glass, undrunk cup of coffe in her hand getting colder as she stares. Let her fucking stare, maybe she'll see something she likes. Flirting with lesbionic powers, sultry bisexual or possibly kinky straight girl. Teasing my senses until I cannot decide if I love her for the vagueness of her disambiguation, or hate her because she never does quite get to the point.

The Fall of the House of Usher was ravensad and flickering.
Eplieptic repetition, poe-ish and puck-puckish,
casting the House into quite the
redundant ruckus.

So who am I today?

Ghengis, biting, witty? Sensei, yodameister. Dark, angry. Prone to fits of passion, and rage at the gods. He of the Stallion totem, Temujin of the Endless Grass, Son of the Wind and Greymalkin of the Bent Grass Stem Tribe. His anger was great, his Rage maxed at ten dots. Philodox Ahroun, Tiger of the Stepps, Demon of the Ball-Lightning Storm.

Perhaps not. And even if I am, I better call Coyote. Ghengis doesn't usually get unsupervised parental visits... You understand, "temper issues." Something about all that raw horsemeat in his diet. Really should go vegan for a while, waaaay too much Pitta in his chi channels, jittery monkey.

* ti Ama'at, Ka'alimaa... She of the Darkness, Dragon of Eternity; Slayer of Demons, Dances-With-Shiva.
* Kannon, kwa'an yi'in... She of the Light, Dragon of Lucence; Merciful One, Soothes That Which Cannot Be Solaced.

**::The Tao of Themyscira Knights, the Way of the Warrior::**

Sappho of Lesbos, the tenth Muse. Lykenia of the Spartan line, she ran into her poetry as into battle, 'with her shield or on it' the only way she might ever return home.

The Second Slayer, Primal One. River of Fire, Flood of Darkness. She of the Destruction of Nations, the Uberxena.

Once my name was Quest, but I lost my way in the wilderness and forgot how I came by that name. I lost all my possessions, and everything I knew, until I knew that I knew nothing. And once I knew nothing, I could stop learning and sit in stillness with the heartbeat of the mountain in my ears. Deus ex machina, my heart beating like a drum, like a piston, like the whirring of the softest Swiss gears... like the nanopulse of the flickerlightning, racing along neurons long since faded to silicon and the boneghost of silver reflections on a smoky mirror.

Steampunk necromancer walking down the street,
I got Technicolor Trolls with the shaman-monkey beat.
I got cyberpunk rock-n-roll flowin' in my viens...
I got VideEyes and a mag-lev train...

The Wyld Witch of The West got nothin' on me,
Vae Victus the Cry, and ta'an-ye/"Be Free!"
Free of the Wheel, free of all Darkness...
Run with the South Wind; challenge your heart
To shine like the Morning Glory.
Get yourself a place in your own Story!

Get off your ass and go save the world,
Don't wait to get rescued by a cute little girl:
Frodo's on strike; Sam and he aren't talking.
They had a little fight, after Golem started walking
and lead the way down to old Mordor;
Six on the Heights and Four on the Floor.
That's Nine Wring Wraiths and One Dark Lord,
who looks suspiciously just like Heinrich Ford.

I got Johny Mnemonic chillin over I.C.E.
Radio's Active and God knows my Vice.
Pappa Don't Preach reminds me of highschool:
Time After Time I bet Black and get Fooled.

I learned all the Lessons, padawan studious.
The Old Zen Master is a fraud after all,
his proverbs ohm-mellifluous.
Morgon of Hed can riddle my Crown,
I was the one turned the Earth Masters down.
I am the Dragon of the Shining Abyss,
The Seraphim of Chaos,
The Tiger of Quantum.This.

Planks in my Theory, they're all tied up with Particle Man.
Triangle Man may often win,
but today I don't feel he can.

The stars are out of Alignment;
They do not complete your Cause.
You can start your trip today,
but don't say I never gave you pause.

The Rhinegold is singing on my finger,
The Sirens are howling in my blood.
The Aegis is pulsing in my grip,
The Furies are dancin up a grudge.
You might want to listen,
when I call out your Name:
Last time you got caught in a Flood.

Don't make me call Cassandra,
that Witch is tired of talking
to cursed thick headed warriors
who glory all in blood.

I stand in my chariot, barring the way.
I have made my decision,
Krishna says to pray,
and ponder on my dharma.
But I need not meditate upon it,
not after all these years;
I see my Path quiet clearly,
with the sickles and golden shears:
Atropos na'Themis.

Sha'an Thiassos sen xapho no'Lesboses.
Lykenia. Striagganos theram nostros cha'an-wei.

Rest here, o' ye weary traveler.
I shall post again e're anon came
in the post-tense
mystical mythical
muggle of muddly mannor.

Ten four good buddy,
Dada out.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Proverb for the day

Truly I say unto you: To each heart, Truth speaks with a different voice. And the Light which illuminates our paths marks a different Way for each pair of seeking feet. Therefore, do not seek to bend another's footsteps to the path which has been set aside for you, nor raise the voice of your Truth in a shout so loud that they may not hear their own subtle Voice. Instead, my friends, encourage them on their Journey, for a soul that has found its own Light will stand illuminated for all to see, and will fill up the Darkness wherever that Light shines forth.

Caveat emptor, fiat lux, and may the force be with you.

In Progress

This theosophical debate is joined in progress...

Sappho: So, Bob, what's the chance this Blog will be up and running within the week

Bo'baa Natarii, Emperor of the Twelfth Kingdom: Look, bitch, my name is NOT BOB! And... as for this Blog... I shall have to consult my Oracles. I shall return hence in three days time with your answer, puny poet witch!

Sappho: Bob hates it when I disrespect his tiny kingdom. Poor Bob. Anyway, back to you Katie. See if you can't send me some ChronoShots of this Obama character I've been hearing so much about.

TimeTraveling Reporter
Sappho the Magnificent
Signing off for Tonight
- somewhere on the Road to Babylon